Meet Your Business Banker: Kami Andersen

BY: Kami Andersen

Kami Andersen
Associate Vice President – Treasury Management
6430 Bridge Road, Monona, WI

(608) 395-2314


Q: What are some things that you help bank customers with?

Kami: In my role at the bank, I oversee our team of Treasury Management Specialists and help business clients meet their financial needs. I collaborate with our business relationship managers to ensure we’re connecting with clients regularly, and I focus on advancing our business online technology to keep it evolving and up-to-date.


Q: Do you have a philosophy of life?

Kami: My philosophy for living life is simple: treat others the way you wish to be treated. Everyone has unique value to offer, and it’s important to listen with the intention of understanding, not just responding. Always aim to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

Q: How did you get into banking as a career?

Kami: A friend of mine was hired as a branch manager at a bank in our hometown, and she reached out to let me know they were looking for a teller/personal banker. At the time, I didn’t know much about banking beyond balancing my checkbook. I started in 2008 and haven’t looked back since. It’s been amazing to see how my career has evolved over the years.

Q: What is something you really enjoy about your work?

Kami: There’s so much I enjoy about my work— from my fantastic team in the Treasury Management Department to the incredible co-workers who I’m lucky to call friends. I also love building relationships with clients, hearing their stories, and supporting them as their businesses grow and evolve.


Kami Andersen

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