Banknotes Blog
How We Became Lake Ridge Bank
We knew right from the start that one of the most important decisions we would need to make was what to name our new bank.
Strong Relationships Keep Your Business's Engine Running
- Price
- Delivery
- Quality
- Service
- When the relationship is right, the details are negotiable. When tension is high, the relationship is wrong; hence, the details become obstacles.
- When there is little difference between your product and your competitors, there must be a big difference in the way you deal with people.
- In selling and service as in medicine, prescription before diagnosis is malpractice.
- We judge ourselves by our intentions, but others judge us by our actions.
- A professional is not determined by the business he or she is in, but rather by how that individual conducts business.
- Observe the Platinum Rule: Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.
- In order to improve your circumstances, first improve yourself.
- It is impossible to avoid leading by example. Somebody is always watching you.
- People will teach you how to deal with them…if you’ll pay attention to the (spoken and unspoken) messages they are sending.
- One sincere gesture can do more for your business than thousands of dollars of advertising.
- It’s not just whether you sell the right item that counts. It’s whether the customer realizes, feels, and believes that it was right for them.
- The best way to get what you want is by helping others get what they want.
- People don’t care what you know until they know that you care.
- Your pay will always be equal to the contribution you are making. To give yourself a raise, make a greater contribution to others.
- There are no traffic jams in the extra mile. Go there if you want to get anywhere.