Banknotes Blog
How We Became Lake Ridge Bank
We knew right from the start that one of the most important decisions we would need to make was what to name our new bank.
Beware of Tax Scams This Season! Fraudsters are targeting taxpayers with fake IRS calls, emails, and letters. Learn key tips, IRS warnings, and fraud prevention strategies to keep your financial information safe. Stay informed—read our latest insights now.
Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love and connection, but it’s also a prime opportunity for scammers to exploit emotions and generosity through online romance scams, fraudulent gift deals, and other deceptive practices that can cause emotional and financial harm.
The holiday season is a time for celebration, generosity, and shopping—but unfortunately, it’s also prime time for scammers to strike.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and at Lake Ridge Bank, we’re committed to helping you keep your financial information safe from cyber criminals.
You might feel powerless to protect your personal information and data when you hear about breaches at big corporations or data services.
There are several proactive steps we recommend you take to protect your personal information and financial data from cyber threats and unauthorized access.
Check fraud accounts for more deposit account losses – $1.3 billion in 2018 – than any other payment method, according to the American Bankers Association. Our bank’s Treasury Management team has a few suggestions for businesses to avoid becoming victims of check fraud.
When shopping online during the holiday season—or any time of year—always be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. Do your part to avoid becoming a scammer’s next victim.
For scammers, this time of year is reliably fruitful, as they know that parents and students alike are opening their wallets to gear up for the new school year. If you're getting ready to send a kid off on their next academic adventure, or if you're a student yourself, this article can equip you with some tools to keep you safe from fraudsters and allow you to start the school year on the right foot.
Given how far we've come in the digital age, no one needs to be convinced of the importance of cybersecurity. It's crucial. But when it comes to protecting online privacy, it's not only consumers who need to be vigilant. In much the same way that we, as individuals, need to safeguard against divulging our personal information, so, too, do businesses of all sizes need to make sure that things that are meant to stay private online remain that way. The following article provides a good foundation for small business owners to build on, when considering how they can keep their operation safe from online scammers.
It's every business owner's worst nightmare: They attempt to log in to their computer, only to find it's been hijacked by malicious software that's demanding money in exchange for access. That software, called ransomware, has become more and more prevalent since its inception more than 30 years ago, but its potential to do damage hasn't diminished any in that span. This article from the Federal Trade Commission contains helpful information that you can use, should you find yourself an unwitting victim of ransomware scammers.
If you're in the market for a new job, you've got enough on your plate without adding the consequences that come with falling prey to scammers. However, bad actors know that job seekers can be especially vulnerable to their schemes, so they target them relentlessly, and often with much success. If you count yourself among the many exploring new career opportunities, or if you've been presented with a business proposition that seems like it may be too good to be true, the following article – "Looking for a New Job or Considering a Business Opportunity? Spot Signs of a Possible Scam," by Rosario Méndez of the Federal Trade Commission – has some tips that can ensure you stay safe and free from the clutches of fraudsters.
Nationwide, businesses and individuals have seen an uptick in fraudulent theft attempts this year, and we want to help your business be vigilant and avoid losses. Even though you may be busy facing the challenges of supply disruption and inflationary pressures this year, don’t miss an opportunity for a quick system check of your security procedures to make sure you catch any vulnerabilities before someone else finds them.
As a business owner, the security of your operation is likely never far from your mind. Trouble is, when it comes to safeguarding your business against fraudsters, scammers, and other external threats, it can be difficult to know where to start. To that end, we’re sharing a blog published by the Federal Trade Commission that provides some foundational support for any business owner looking to stay safe and keep their enterprise running smoothly.
Some of the most popular and effective scams being run today center around the practice of phishing, whereby fraudsters trick victims into divulging sensitive personal information that can then be used to exploit their identity and bank account. A while back, the Federal Trade Commission put together an article on the subject that contains information as relevant today as ever. We're sharing it here in its entirety.
On the heels of last week’s Identity Theft Awareness Week, we thought it timely and appropriate to share the following article, which contains good information on how you can tell whether your identity may have been jeopardized, and what you can do to keep it safe.
Lots of times, the security and fraud-related articles we share are scam-focused – that is, they involve fraudsters tricking victims into voluntarily, and unwittingly, sharing their sensitive personal information. Sometimes, though, there's an even more devious way that schemers get what they're looking for, and its targets are frequently none the wiser until it's too late. The following article contains good advice for how to make sure the wolves never make it through the door.
With all of the welcome distractions that this time of year provides, scammers typically up their game and try to take advantage people who may take their eye off the ball, so to speak, when it comes to safeguarding their finances. The following article lays out a new scam that’s increasingly being run, and how to stop it in its tracks.