If your business requires a physical location, one of the biggest dilemmas can be whether to build, buy, or rent. In truth, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to that question. The most important thing to remember is, the answer that's best for you and your business should be based on facts and not fear of the unknown.

Understanding your income versus liabilities is important when establishing a budget that works for you and your household. Winning at this means your finances win both today and in the future.

Normally, when a flight encounters turbulence, something outside of the airplane is the cause. That’s not the case with this Delta flight, however – the widespread variant of COVID-19 is causing strife in our society (mask mandates; less activity, like going out to eat; etc.) and could result in sustained disruption to our economy going forward.

We’ve written about gift-card scams in this space before, but there’s a new one going around that’s taken a novel approach to the time-tested strategy. The following article discusses what that approach looks like in more depth, and can help you make sure that your money stays where it belongs: in your pocket.

If a prospect or client derives value from our conversation, that next meeting is probably assured. If not, there may not be a next time, or they will delegate us to a subordinate. Both are dead ends. Given that decision-influencer prospects & clients are time-starved and could easily fill their days twice over with meeting requests, why should they make time for us? The answer may be found in the "four pillars of value for time" upon which we need to intentionally draw: Insight, Perspective, Relevance, and Resilience.

Can you put a price on peace of mind? If you're a life insurance policyholder, chances are, you'd say yes. And if you're not, it may be time to reassess your situation.

When it comes to customer retention and acquisition, there are some less obvious, but particularly important, characteristics worth remembering. Here are three for your consideration.

If you are looking to purchase a home, understanding what a Debt to Income Ratio means, and what your DTI is, is important in securing a great mortgage.

Are we climbing a wall of worry now, or is the economic data such that the markets' gains are fundamentally justified? Let's dive in.

A quick update on reported identity theft, and a reminder of the importance of updating your employer identification number (EIN).

Phishing is one of the most common, and effective, scamming methods in use today. We see it every day. The following article provides tips on how to identify an increasingly prevalent phishing scam that's being used to defraud people around the country, and what you can do to ensure you don't fall victim yourself.

What do your business plans look like as the pandemic gets farther from sight in the rear-view mirror? Here are a few important questions to consider, as you determine your path forward.

When it comes to the question of buying or building, there is no right or wrong answer. But there may be a better answer depending on your goals and priorities.

The chase for equities continues to intensify, even while the Fed has sought to clarify its outlook and future plans. We dive in further here.

A second act should be as good as – if not better than! – the first. By working with us to develop a detailed financial plan, you'll go a long way toward ensuring that yours is.

Summer is in full swing, and, unfortunately, scammers are working overtime to bilk less scrupulous travelers out of their money during before and during vacations. This article is full of useful advice and links for anyone who's planning some time away this season.

For many, owning a second home is a dream. Before you decide to make your dream come true, let’s look at a few of the factors that should be considered.

Could the fiscal high we are experiencing give way to higher inflation, higher taxes, and higher interest rates? Only time will tell.

Consider the following tips and “tricks” to help your small business avoid the pains sometimes associated with growing.

Many people are using cryptocurrency as a strategy to diversify their investment portfolios. But investor, beware: Scams abound. Here's how to stay safe.

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